The Canadian Contingent consists of members of the Canadian Armed Forces ranging in rank from Corporal to Colonel. All three branches of service - Canadian Army, Royal Canadian Navy, and Royal Canadian Air Force - are represented. Canadian personnel are posted to the Sinai for a period of either six months or one year.
The Canadian Contingent provides personnel to perform operational and staff functions in support of the MFO. Members of the Canadian Contingent represent a wide variety of positions across all branches of the MFO.
In addition, Canada has provided the MFO with two Force Commanders: MG Robert Meating, during the period March 2001 to March 2004, and MG Denis Thompson, from March 2014 to March 2017.
Key MFO positions held by Canadians are the Chief of Liaison, who is also the Commander of the Canadian Contingent, the Chief of the Training Branch, a Lieutenant Colonel who is also the Deputy Contingent Commander, and the Force Sergeant Major (FSM). The Chief of Liaison is the primary officer responsible for the day-to-day operation of the Force Liaison Branch. The FSM is the senior soldier within the MFO and as such is responsible for the welfare and discipline of all MFO troops. The other members of the Canadian Contingent are employed in the following key areas:
Air Operations plans, schedules, and tracks the operations of the MFO Air Fleet consisting of eight UH-60L helicopters, a C-12 light fixed-wing aircraft, and a Czech C295 CASA.
Flight Following provides Air Traffic control in the northern sector of the Sinai.
Canadians are employed in various sections including Operations, Training, Liaison, Force Engineering, Force Protection, Personnel (Recreation and Morale Support), Fleet Management, Information and Communications Technology, Information Management, and Safety.
Most of the Canadian Contingent members have both MFO and Canadian responsibilities. There are a few positions that provide strictly administrative, supply, and signal support to the Canadian Contingent. In addition to their normal duties, Canadians are active participants in a myriad of other MFO activities including every major sports event. In many events, the Canadians have proven to be formidable opponents and have shown good sportsmanship regardless of the outcome.
Deployment with the MFO provides all members of the Canadian Contingent with a great opportunity to learn more about the culture of the region, and the relationship between Egypt and Israel.
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