
Fraudulent Scams Using the Name of the MFO

The MFO is aware of reports of financial scams involving scammers purporting to be affiliated with the MFO seeking funds or personal information from individual members of the public. These include reports that scammers may claim to be MFO members and request funds to enable them to return to their home countries, or seek to enter into fraudulent contracts with individuals on behalf of the MFO and demand payments to fulfill the sham contracts. Scammers solicit funds or personal banking information from individuals for their fraudulent activities. The scam emails may come from or claim affiliation with email accounts ending with “” or “” which are not  MFO emails. Emails from accounts ending with “” or “” are not affiliated with the MFO and are not used by MFO personnel or for official MFO business.

The MFO does not seek financial contributions or personal financial information from individuals to support its operations. The MFO is an international organization that receives its funding and financial support from the Funds Contributing States and Donor States.

If you have received communications soliciting funding or personal financial information, you are advised to terminate contact with the scammers and, in the event that you have sent them funds, contact your local law enforcement agency immediately. If you are resident in the United States, you may file a complaint with the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) at: