
The Colombian Contingent (COLCON) is comprised of 275 personnel.  The contingent's mission is to staff remote sites, conduct mobile patrols, report observations in accordance with the Treaty and Protocol and to provide security for  Forward Operating Base North (FOB-N).  COLCON also provides a number of soldiers who augment the Force staff, including two medical and one dental officer, two Force Liaison Officers, and a Force Security Officer.

  • Colombia has participated in the MFO since the inception of the mission. Colombians are assigned to the Sinai for a ten-month tour of duty with one half of personnel rotating twice a year. The Contingent Commander serves a one-year tour of duty.
  • The contingent accomplishes its mission by maintaining elements of two infantry companies distributed among remote sites in northern Zone C. The remainder of the contingent provides the security for FOB-N and also a quick reaction force for emergency situations.
  • The remote sites perform their mission by permanently staffing, seven days a week, 24 hours a day, their respective sites and by augmenting the remote sites with Temporary Observation Posts and Motorized Patrols ensuring wide and continuous observation in their area of responsibility.
  • Each of the infantry companies provides a fifty-man guard on alternate days providing the security for FOB-N. The company on duty is in charge of the security at all access points as well as the watchtowers located around the perimeter of the camp.
  • In addition to their operational mission duties, Colombian Contingent personnel participate across the range of military, cultural and sporting activities offered by the Force. The Contingent enjoys participating in all team and individual sports programmed by the Force.
  • Colombia is proud of its contribution to the MFO and the role of the MFO in promoting peace and stability in the Middle East.