
Czechia joined the MFO as a Troop Contributing Nation in 2009, and the first Czech Contingent (CZECHCON) soldiers arrived in the Sinai on 17 November.  Initially, the deployment consisted of three staff officers in the following key positions:

- Assistant Chief of Staff in the rank of Lieutenant Colonel;

- Force Protection and Security Officer in the rank of Major; and

- Force Engineering Staff Officer in the rank of Major.

On 4 November 2013, the contingent expanded to include an additional thirteen positions following the provision of a CASA C-295M to take on fixed-wing responsibilities with the MFO, including COU Treaty and transport missions. Two further positions were added in 2016 to support fixed-wing operations.

In August 2024, Czechia relinquished filling the Force Engineering Staff Officer position. The remaining two staff officers serve a one-year tour of duty with the MFO and the Fixed Wing Aviation Unit personnel currently serve a four-month tour of duty.

Czechia has also provided the MFO with a Force Commander, Major General Pavel Kolář, who served in Sinai from March to September 2023.