New Zealand

The New Zealand Contingent (NZCON) has served with the MFO since its inception in 1982.  Participation by New Zealand originally took the form of Rotary Wing Air Support and subsequently evolved to its present form.  In 1998, New Zealand increased its participation to twenty-six personnel.  The primary tasks of the NZCON are to provide a Force Training Team (FTT) and a transport section.  Additionally, the Contingent provides personnel for staff appointments throughout the Force and is therefore involved in a wide range of MFO activities.  

The contingent is commanded by a LTCOL who also fills the role of the Force Chief Plans Officer - CJ5. He/she reports directly to the Chief of Staff and assists the Director of the Commander’s Assessment and Advisory Group to carry out long-term planning (from 45 days to 10 years).  This involves updating and revising the overarching concept of operations for the MFO as well as yearly Operational and other orders.  He/she is also responsible to the FC for coordinating Risk and Project Management at the Force.  He/she is assisted in this role by a NZCON Captain who also acts as the Contingent Adjutant.  The second-in-command of the contingent acts as the CJ35 who is responsible for the Force Operational Planning Cycle (from 45 to 7 days).  NZCON has an administrative staff of two personnel who provide stores and administrative support to the contingent as well as support to the Norwegian and UK Contingents.

Other essential Force positions filled by New Zealand include:

  • The Force Commander's Aide-de-camp; a mixture of diplomacy and a firm understanding of the nature of the multinational environment are a necessity for this position.
  • A military policeperson who acts as either an investigator or shift commander.
  • A Physical Training Instructor who is responsible for maintaining fitness across the Force. He/ she also greatly assists the Morale and Welfare Office in running sporting and wellbeing events.
  • The Force Passport Clerk who facilitates obtaining visas, local Egyptian ID Cards, and MFO ID Cards.
  • Three members of the Force Engineering Office: a Major who acts as a Project Manager, a Warrant Officer (WO2) who assists with the supervision of remote sites, and a Project Electrician.
  • The Force Training Team (FTT) which establishes, conducts, and evaluates training courses based on MFO Standard Operating Procedures. NZCON personnel fill the roles of Ops Instructors, Driving Instructors, the Training Warrant Officer, and Senior instructor FTT.  The FTT provides both initial integration and continuation training as well as validating day-to-day operations.  It is also responsible for the highly competitive Annual Force Military Skills Competition.
  • A Driving Section. On average, NZCON drivers travel over 356,630 kilometers annually.  The Sinai provides a particularly challenging driving environment that is unique in the world, so the skills of these professional drivers are tested daily.  The knowledge and high standards they display in the operation of heavy lift vehicles and coaches are shared with other drivers within the Force Transport section via an effective driver-training program. 

New Zealand has also provided field engineers and electricians in the past for short-term deployments to support specific MFO engineering projects.

As NZCON personnel are involved in a wide range of key areas within the Force, their contributions directly contribute to the success of other Force members and to the organization as a whole.  In addition to their daily duties, NZCON personnel participate across the range of military, cultural, and sporting activities offered by the Force.  Despite the size of the contingent, NZCON enjoy notable success in many of the sporting and Force Skills competitions. 

New Zealand has also provided the MFO with three previous Force Commanders:  Major General Donald McIver (from March 1989 to March 1991), Major General Warren Whiting (from March 2010 to March 2014), and Major General Evan Williams (from December 2019 to March 2023 and again from October 2023 to March 2024 as Interim Force Commander).