News & Media

Sep 11, 2024

MFO Welcomes Denmark

The MFO and the Treaty Parties, Egypt and Israel, are very honored and pleased to report that Denmark has rejoined the MFO’s family of Supporting States.

Aug 14, 2024

MFO Spotlight: Fire and Rescue Services

The MFO speaks with Chief Fire Officer Innes Southard and a member of his team regarding MFO Fire and Rescue Service operations, inspections, and training efforts to keep our personnel safe at MFO facilities in Sinai.

Jul 29, 2024

Recent visits to the MFO (April to July 2024)

Visits are a crucial element to understanding the MFO, our mission, and our role in promoting regional peace and stability. These visits result in productive dialogue with our Egyptian and Israeli colleagues, representatives of MFO Troop-Contributing and Donor States, and friends.


Jul 25, 2024

Japan-funded Armored Bus Welcomed into MFO Fleet

The MFO officially inducted a new armored bus, funded by the Government of Japan, into our vehicle fleet on 22 July 2024. In attendance at the ceremony held at our South Camp was the Ambassador of Japan to the Arab Republic of Egypt, His Excellency Oka Hiroshi. He was accompanied by the MFO’s Force Commander, Major General Michael Garraway, and our Director General’s Representative in Cairo, Mr. Brad Lynch.

Jul 12, 2024

Supporting States Visit - July 11, 2024

The MFO Force Commander, Major General Michael Garraway, and MFO personnel welcomed Ambassadors, Defense Attachés, and other key staff from Israel-based embassies to the MFO’s North Camp.


Mar 17, 2024

MFO Salutes its New Force Commander

Major General Michael Garraway of Australia assumed command of the Multinational Force and Observers in Sinai from Interim Force Commander, Major General Evan Williams of New Zealand, on 17 March 2024.

Mar 14, 2024

Recent visits to the MFO

Visits are a crucial element to understanding the MFO, our mission, and our role in promoting regional peace and stability. These visits result in productive dialogue with our Egyptian and Israeli colleagues, representatives of MFO Troop-Contributing and Donor States, and friends.

Mar 11, 2024

MFO Plenary Meeting, March 4, 2024

Representatives from twenty-one MFO Supporting States attended the plenary session of the MFO’s Annual Meeting in Rome on March 4, 2024, including delegations from Egypt, Israel, and the United States.


Mar 8, 2024

Thanking Our Women Peacekeepers and Celebrating IWD

The MFO thanks all its women peacekeepers, military and civilian, for their contributions to our mission and the critical role they play supporting peace and cooperation between Egypt and Israel. Our women peacekeepers excel in carrying out critical responsibilities at all levels throughout the MFO. Their work is fundamental to our success and an integral part of our achievements.

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News archive

News & Media Recent visits to the MFO (April to July 2024)

Jul 29, 2024

Recent visits to the MFO (April to July 2024)

Visits are a crucial element to understanding the MFO, our mission, and our role in promoting regional peace and stability. These visits result in productive dialogue with our Egyptian and Israeli colleagues, representatives of MFO Troop-Contributing and Donor States, and friends.


Recently, the MFO family had the privilege and pleasure of hosting the following guests in Sinai among many others:


  • Air Commodore John Haly: From April 17 to 18, 2024, the Director General, Operations and Plans of the Joint Operations Command (JOC) of the Australian Defence Force, Air Commodore John Haly, visited our South and North Camps and met with members of the Australian Contingent.
  • The Honourable Matt Keogh: On April 28, 2024, the Minister for Veteran’s Affairs and Defence Personnel of Australia, the Honourable Matt Keogh, accompanied by the Australian Defence Attaché accredited to the Arab Republic of Egypt, Group Captain Ian Goold, visited our South and North Camps and met with members of the Australian Contingent.
  • Major General Thomas Suelzer: From May 2 to 4, 2024, the Adjutant General of the Texas Army National Guard, Major General Thomas Suelzer, visited our South Camp and met with members of the U.S. Contingent.
  • Her Excellency Amy Laurenson: From May 20 to 22, 2024, the Ambassador of New Zealand to the Arab Republic of Egypt, Her Excellency Amy Laurenson, and the New Zealand Defence Attaché to the Middle East Region, Brigadier Brett Willington, visited our South Camp and met with members of the New Zealander Contingent.
  • Mr. Shinichi Saida: From May 27 to 28, 2024, the Director-General of the International Peace Cooperation Headquarters of the Cabinet Office of the Government of Japan, Mr. Shinichi Saida, visited our South and North Camps and met with members of the Japanese Contingent.
  • Rear Admiral Michele Orini: From June 18 to 21, 2024, the Commander of the Third Naval Division of the Italian Navy, Rear Admiral Michele Orini, visited South Camp and met with members of the Italian Contingent.
  • His Excellency Yong-Hyun Kim: On June 26, 2024, the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to the Arab Republic of Egypt, His Excellency Yong-Hyun Kim, visited our South Camp and met with members of the MFO Command Team.
  • Brigadier General Manoa Gadai: From July 5 to 8, 2024, the Commander of the Joint Task Force of the Republic of Fiji Military Forces, Brigadier General Manoa Gadai, visited our South and North Camps and met with members of the Fijian Contingent.
  • Her Excellency Hilde Klemetsdal: On July 14, 2024, the Ambassador of Norway to the Arab Republic of Egypt and Libya, Her Excellency Hilde Klemetsdal, visited South Camp and met with members of the Norwegian Contingent.
  • Ms. Nancy Odeh: From July 14 to 15, 2024, the Chargée d'affaires of the Embassy of Canada to the Arab Republic of Egypt, Ms. Nancy Odeh, visited South Camp and met with members of the Canadian Contingent.
  • US Senate Armed Services Committee Staff Delegation: The US Senate Armed Services Committee staff noted below visited the MFO during the period July 17-18, 2024, to meet with MFO leadership and learn more about the MFO mission.
    - Eric Trager - Minority Lead, Senate Armed Services Committee
    - Olivia Trusty - Minority Lead, Subcommittee on Cybersecurity
    - Daniel Neff - Military Legislative Liaison
    - Brent Linderman - Military Legislative Liaison
    - Jennifer Whalen - Political Military Affairs Officer
  • His Excellency Hiroshi Oka: On July 22, 2024, Ambassador of Japan to Egypt, His Excellency Hiroshi Oka, visited South Camp and participated in a ceremony to dedicate an armored bus recently donated by Japan to the MFO.
  • CAPSTONE General and Flag Officer’s Course Visit: As part of this program, several US senior officers visited the MFO, on July 23, 2024, to better understand us, our work, and our mission.
    - Lead by ADM (ret) Harry Harris, former Ambassador to the Republic of Korea
    - Major General Janeen Birckhead ARNG, Adjutant General Maryland Army National Guard
    - Major General Eric Shirley USA, Commanding General 1st Theater Sustainment Command
    - Rear Admiral Walter Brafford USN, Commander Naval Medical Forces Support Command
    - Rear Admiral Jonathan Stephens USN, Lead Special Trial Counsel
    - Rear Admiral Adam Chamie USCG, Assistant Commandant for Response Policy
    - Brigadier General John Cogbill USA, Deputy Commanding General XVIII Airborne Corps
    - Brigadier General Jason Corrothers USAF, Director Budget Operations and Personnel
    - Brigadier General Sean Davis USA, Commanding General 13th Armored Corps Sustainment Command
    - Brigadier General Susie Kuilan USAR, Deputy Commander 108th Training Command
    - Brigadier General Mike Siegl USA, Director of Logistics and Engineering, CENTCOM J4
    - Brigadier General Terence Taylor USAF, Deputy Commanding General Joint Special Operations Command
    - Brigadier General Rob Weiler USMC, Assistant Division Commander 1st marine Division
  • Australian Embassy Team Visit: On July 24, 2024, Second Secretary (Australian Embassy Cairo) Ms Ellen Schulz, visited the MFO to attend the Australian Contingent Medals Parade in support of their incumbent rotation of personnel. This visit also included the Australian Defense Attaché accredited to the Arab Republic of Egypt, Group Captain Ian Goold CSC, the Australian Defence Attaché in Tel Aviv, Group Captain Amanda Cornell, the Commander Australian HQ Middle East, Colonel Scott Morris, and Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Commander HQ Middle East, Warrant Officer 1st Class Grant Wharton.


The MFO remains grateful to all our Supporting States and welcomes visits from their representatives.