News & Media

Jul 25, 2024

Japan-funded Armored Bus Welcomed into MFO Fleet

The MFO officially inducted a new armored bus, funded by the Government of Japan, into our vehicle fleet on 22 July 2024. In attendance at the ceremony held at our South Camp was the Ambassador of Japan to the Arab Republic of Egypt, His Excellency Oka Hiroshi. He was accompanied by the MFO’s Force Commander, Major General Michael Garraway, and our Director General’s Representative in Cairo, Mr. Brad Lynch.

Jul 12, 2024

Supporting States Visit - July 11, 2024

The MFO Force Commander, Major General Michael Garraway, and MFO personnel welcomed Ambassadors, Defense Attachés, and other key staff from Israel-based embassies to the MFO’s North Camp.


Mar 17, 2024

MFO Salutes its New Force Commander

Major General Michael Garraway of Australia assumed command of the Multinational Force and Observers in Sinai from Interim Force Commander, Major General Evan Williams of New Zealand, on 17 March 2024.

Mar 14, 2024

Recent visits to the MFO

Visits are a crucial element to understanding the MFO, our mission, and our role in promoting regional peace and stability. These visits result in productive dialogue with our Egyptian and Israeli colleagues, representatives of MFO Troop-Contributing and Donor States, and friends.

Mar 11, 2024

MFO Plenary Meeting, March 4, 2024

Representatives from twenty-one MFO Supporting States attended the plenary session of the MFO’s Annual Meeting in Rome on March 4, 2024, including delegations from Egypt, Israel, and the United States.


Mar 8, 2024

Thanking Our Women Peacekeepers and Celebrating IWD

The MFO thanks all its women peacekeepers, military and civilian, for their contributions to our mission and the critical role they play supporting peace and cooperation between Egypt and Israel. Our women peacekeepers excel in carrying out critical responsibilities at all levels throughout the MFO. Their work is fundamental to our success and an integral part of our achievements.

Mar 6, 2024

Supplemental Japanese Funding in FY2024

The MFO is honored to announce that the Government of Japan has once again generously provided the MFO with supplemental project funding to ensure the safety of our personnel and the effectiveness of our mission.


Feb 22, 2024

Supporting States Visit - February 20, 2024


The MFO Interim Force Commander, Major General Evan Williams, and MFO personnel welcomed Ambassadors, Defense Attachés, and other key staff from Cairo-based embassies to the MFO’s North Camp.

Feb 16, 2024

COU Conducts its 1000th Verification Mission in the Sinai (V-1000)


From February 11 to 15, 2024, the MFO’s Civilian Observer Unit (COU) conducted its 1,000th verification mission (V-1000). This milestone highlights the MFO’s and the COU’s ongoing commitment to long-lasting peace in the region.


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News & Media The MFO Celebrates International Women’s Day

Mar 10, 2023

The MFO Celebrates International Women’s Day


MFO personnel came together on March 8th to celebrate the achievements and contributions of women during a series of events at our South Camp.

The day started with a refreshing swim in the Red Sea as the sun rose over the Sinai Peninsula. Then, later in the morning, MFO members gathered to listen as guest speakers shared their personal experiences and discussed important topics related to gender issues and how to bring about positive change. These panel discussions were followed by activities such as an obstacle course, a self-defense lesson, Zumba and yoga classes, and cultural activities which provided members with opportunities for personal growth and confidence-building.

The day finished on a high note with a dinner during which the MFO’s newly appointed Force Commander, Major General Pavel Kolář, highlighted the importance of International Women’s Day in raising awareness and calling for action to build a better world for all. The MFO’s Director General, Ms. Elizabeth L. Dibble, emphasized that equity was not a competition and highlighted the importance of working together and helping each other to achieve equality and equity.

Overall, it was a successful day full of learning and exchanging ideas while celebrating women from all around the world.